Oh dear time gets away from me and before I realise it another week or weeks have gone by and I feel like the White rabbit in Alice , hurrying along I'm late ,I'm late!!
However I will getthis one more post in before the end of the month.
Well my friends how are you one and all, I am feeling tickety boo,(to go along with the clock and WR theme!
I have had Graeme and Ella visiting this week as they are camping nearby. We used to go camping a lot when they were young (oh no not now) and he has not lost his love of it. Kate was supposed to be going with her tribe too ,but they have all gone down with a tummy bug this week. So she has sign on her door to stay clear! Graeme and Ella have been walking a lot finding geocaches. Martin went with them to see H.Potter in the week, I think Ella was a littl unsure in places but the "boys" enjoyed it. I stayed home with Ollie. It has been so nice though having them close enough to come for lunch or dinner or just a pop in as they were passing. They went back to the camp site with Rock cakes and Ginger Fairings too, and brought the "empty"tin back before leaving to go home this morning. I don't expect we shall see them for a few weeks now , G & S have got a couple of busy weeks before going to Turkley for 2 weeks on hols. Oh well mustn't grumble I have had son and grand-daughter fix.
Ollies feet are still not a lot better and vet has upped his dosage of pills again, and added some more antibiotics. Now saying it this doesnt clear up he will have to go and see a skin specialist -which is quite a drive away! Oh my , hope it clears with the medication. Poor dog his feet are so sore.
Anyway enough of me dribbling on you need to see some pics don't you. Well by now you may have seen the lovely RAKS that Sally has been sending to all and sundry,what a sweetie she is. I had this from her and it fits nicely in the box she made, the fabric for the back matches too.
I have been so fortunate in getting these Sallys stitcheries , I think to receive a little something through the post ,totally unexpected it just the best, and this week I got another little package. Kate sent me these sheepie things she had been collecting from various places and she "made" the little Dolly Sheep ,which I have renamed Myrtle, thanks so much Kate for brightening my day. What is it with all my sheep having to have names , well it does help when you have to round up the flock. I am hoping Ollie will train to be a "sheepdog" .
Thankyou so much ladies ,whilst I am thanking (almost put thinking there) can I thank those that leave so many nice comments , I read them all and do like to see them. I often wonder when I read the ones on others blogs how on earth do you get so many to leave a few words.
Anyway digressing here, I have finished a few bits and bobs ,some I cannot show you, one is for Laineys summer exchange which will not get posted until Aug 12th so it will be a while, one is for a birthday lots of you know who that is for I expect.
Another is the monthly challenge piece over at NH ,Christine if you are reading this I ACTUALLY managed to stitch this one .
I can show you this one as although I haven't yet posted it over on NH ,I will be doing soon. It is the Christmas ornie challenge and I have only done 2 this year ,oh woe is me! it's that time thing again!! Will have to catch up . This is a Barbara Ana design from Creative Poppy.
Another finish to show you is French Heart which I have been stitching on a Monday evening with Sally and Colleen, these SB designs are so soft and delicate.
I finished it into another cushion backed it with pale pink spotted fabric. I do not have a lot of wall space left and this lend itself to a bed cushion maybe.
Of course having finished this one I had to start another only a twee one this time, this is Sophies pincushion. I do have an admission to make I am not sure I am using the right threads as I got them mixed up (thought I had lost them) with some others so taking pot luck!!
One more stitchy item but a way to go yet,, this is up to date progress on Mansfield Park by The Sampler Girl ,
I am pleased with how this is coming along albeit slowly. Julie is doing In the Meadow and it is just soooo pretty,if you pop along to Julies stitchyknitter journal, you can see it for yourself,I think it is last weeks blog post.
So many of those I want to do, and when I think I have caught up a little ,Tanya goes and brings out more, so what is a girl to do , Stitch girl Stitch!
Other half ordered some frit the other day and wow look at these colours. Frit is crushed glass to be used in fusing. He also made the little sailing scene ,frit is used for the sand.
This little hanging measures 3"x1.5"
I had a little play when Ella was here doing a fabric style pic , not brilliant but you get the idea.
Now I need you to close your eyes and inhale ,then open the eyes.
Could you get the full effect!! I do as they grow right by my back door and when the patio door is open oooohhh it is so fragrant.
Well my dears I think that time has come again to think of preparing the dinner, and decide what I want (need) to stitch on this evening a couple of ufos need an outing I think or Mr Stick will be after me.
So take care all -hope I have not bored you all to tears I know I do tend to ramble on.
See you next time , and hopefully I shall watch that clock a bit better and then I won't be late again.
Hugs n stuff
Gorgeous gifts received from Sally and Kate. I LOVE your shepherds bush cushion. Great progress on your Sampler Girl.
Gorgeous gifts received from Sally and Kate. I LOVE your shepherds bush cushion. Great progress on your Sampler Girl.
You received some wonderful suprises in the mail.
I love the French Heart pillow, just beautiful.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
What beautiful gifts and your SB pillow is just darling!
I do hope poor Ollie's feet have improved. Or that they figure out why the are sore and it is soething simple and easy to fix.
I'm so happy that you like your little PIF Barb:) What lovely gifts from Kate too.
Your French Heart pillow is just gorgeous and love your start on Sophie's Pincushion. So sweet.
Lovely progress too on your TSG piece.
Those colours of the frit are lovely. Martin is so talented and I treasure my angel:)
I do hope Ollie is better soon, bless him.
lovely gifts from Sally (isn't it gorgeous I love mine)and Kate. You have some lovely stitching to show too, that SB cushion is so pretty.
I hope that Ollie's latest treatment does the trick and his poor feet improve.
Beautiful gifts! I love your SB cushion, it's gorgeous! Love your Start on Sophie too!
Love your gifts from Sally & Kate! Those girls are sweeties. Oh my, Barb, I love French Hearts!!!I have to stitch it. You & Sally continue adding to my SB wish list!Please post to SB Village Blog.
I do like the colors of TSG's Mansfield's Park.
Does Martin sell any of his wonderful art pieces?
Miss Wrigley is quite concerned about Ollie, as am I. She sends a big slurpy kiss to her soul mate.
Hugs to you, my dear. Love your post & keep rambling on.
As usual a lovely interesting post,love your picture you made with DG and the colours of DH's frit are fab,he is so clever,in fact a very talented pair.Yous SB pillow is just fantastic and you always seem to find the nicest buttons,i must start some of my SB designs one day.The SG wip is coming on treat,love the colours in it.
Gorgeous Lillies,i have some in the house at the moment and the scent is lovely
Anyway before i get writers cramp i had better finish and say keep on blogging
Such beautiful gifts you got. It does feel nice to get surprises in the mail. Your projects are so lovely. My favorite is the French Heart. Love the soft colors of that one. :)
Wow I love the gifts both given a received. Your stitching is lovely xx
What wonderful gifts you have received from your friends!
Your finishes and WIP look fantastic!!!
Your hubby does a great job with his glasswork!
I am so happy you stopped by my blog so I could meet a stitcher and dog lover. Your golden is beautiful!
I would like to follow here and hope you feel welcome to stop by my blog or follow if you wish. I look forward to seeing more posts.
Super finishes as always. The frit looks lovely, almost as good as a box of DMC threads LOL.
How wonderful to have the family camping close by, what a treat.
Your new SB design is looking lovely and i love Martins latest creation, he is so clever as is your GD by the picture she made too.... must be in the genes!
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