Fingers and toes are crossed (as well as stitches , but more about that later), we are forecasted SNOW, yes white stuff that is cold and comes from the sky, you know what I am talking about all you who are lucky enough to have snow in the winter. We rarely get it here on the coast. It is mighty chilly out there today and we thought we had better think of our poor feathered friends. So from this.
Came this .It has been stood there all afternoon and up to now not one feathered friend has visited.I do hope tomorrow they will realise it is there. My kitchen is usually tidier so please do not think my table usually looks like that.
We put the old birdhouse in the back garden as it was getting a little tatty. Well I do hope if you have snow you are enjoying it. I think all the grandchildren are all going to pray hard tonight that they get snow day tomorrow and a day off school. Sam our 11 year old grandchild is going into hospital to have his tonsils and adenoids out on Monday. Not sure if he is really wanting to go,cannot say I would be keen either. Kate will have to stay overnight the first night with him ,then he is off school for 2 weeks. When I had my tonsils out (many many years ago ) we had jelly and icecream diet but now they give them toast and roast dinners. Ouch!!!!

Well my dears now a little stitching fix for you. As you know on Mondays I stitch along with my friend Sally, I am not sure if she stitched this week as if you read Sally's blog you will know her dear dad passed away this week. I am stitching the Wordplays and showed you January's that I finished. I have now finished February and will be starting March next week. So here we are with February my first finish of 2013. Now I can show you my second finish of the year which is a Christmas ornament for Needlecraft Havens Monthly Christmas ornie . I am hoping to get one a month done. This one was by Primitive Hare in the JCS 2012 Magazine. I changed a few things like the gold thread and left out the bottom border.I also added a Santas Magic Key.

Every year I think I will do a set for my girls dd & dil for their trees, but each time I finish one I like it and cannot bear to give it away. How can I solve this problem (don't say stitch 3!!) I have also started Silent night when I am in the Parlour on Wednesdays and here is progress so far.
I think this one will be pretty too. So that is the stitching news. I had a patchwork rabbit voucher for Christmas and I have ordered some threads for March that I did not have, although I thought I did. Hmm probably turn up in that safe place. I also ordered some for another ornie, and a ornie chart. Which I have just heard are on their way. I am going to sal with Sally the sheep virtues from LHN when they arrive here in the UK. So look out for them too, Next time I will be doing a giveaway so keep watching .
The knitting has been out again and I am doing another shawlette. This one is in lilac shades ,
It is getting to the stage where circular needles will have to come out to play. I popped along to where I saw this book. As my daughter had given me an Amazon voucher I decided to spend it on this book . Oh so many nice things to read about and knit.
Of course having some pennies left I had to spend those too so I decided on a book which has been in and out of my basket more times than the proverbial fiddlers elbow. The first few lines read.
I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board,which I have padded with our dogs blanket and the tea cosy. I cannot say that I am really comfortable, and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the only part of the kitchen where there is any daylight left.I have found that sitting in a place where you ;have never sat before can be inspiring -I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen-house. Cannot wait to carry on with this.I capture the Castle by Dodie Smith.
So I have plenty I can be doing. I love a good book and have read 3 so far this year.Martin had a table top sale to raise funds for an old school which has been renovated into a community centre and he saw this and thought of me,he is a sweetie.
Of course my favourite "thing" is featured these beauties.
Of course one thing leads to another and as I forgot to show you the other thing my dear daughter Kate gave me in my last post here it is.
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you are all well and keeping free from the various lurgies that are doing the rounds. Graeme ds who celebrated his 45th birthday this week is suffering from the cold cough thing ,not good when you are supposed to be having a holiday from work..
Please leave me a little comment if you can spare the time , I love to read your little notes . I shall leave you with a little smile, a Sam saying and a picture of him and Alfie with their beloved Grandad.
Whilst driving along in the car with his mum past our house. Sam asked why Grandad had a blanket over his car. Well said Kate that is so in the morning he does not have to scape the ice off before he goes out with Ollie. Oh said Sam,,he is cleverer than you then,!!!
On that note I am off to get said grandads dinner.
Much love and stitchy hugs
Barb x