Tuesday 24 January 2012

Mondays update on Tuesday!

Oh dear time slips away and my Monday update is now on Tuesday ,it could be worse it could be next week lol.Well how are you all my friends ,we are much improved here and I am writing this before I go find my cooking head and make a Hairy Bikers Chicken Ham and Leek pie. Not done it before but have had special request from other half .He has gone back to work (I know he is retired,but you cannot keep a good man down) it is only for a couple of days a week for a couple of months. It will help pay for my stitching obsession but don't let on will you.!! Well I said I would give you an update on the weeks progress ,some things well although I stitched I have not done lots,unlike Sally I have not got smoking needles. I do however have a finish to show you,I started this the first week of our SAL for this year Shepherds Bush with Sally and Colleen on a Monday night . Here is the Tiny Garden Roll .
This was lovely to stitch and last night I was rewarded with a new start . Simple joys pincushion .
This was last evenings progress at Colleens, the girls are virtually coming to me next week. I am hoping that I may finish or be close to finishing this one too.So maybe if I do a Tuesday update next week you will be able to see that one. Tonight it is UFO night with Miss Julie and Mr Stick and the Quaker Diamonds, I will not show you last weeks progress on this one as I need to do a little more before you can see I have been stitching on it. Wednesday last saw another new start but knitting not stitching, I am going to knit myself a bag for my knitting and to put Claras diary design by The Sampler Girl on the front. In the parlour last week I finished another line and maybe just maybe this may be a finish this week. Whoo hoo.
Thursday I worked and frogged on Elizabeth and so not a lot of progress on that one either, I have taken notice of Gabi though and ordered Margaret Mary and Molly from Traditional Stitches . Thanks for leaving that comment Gabi. Also thanks to Lainey who unfortunately offered the loan of them to me after I had ordered them as she has them . Aren't you stitchers the best. Friday saw me working on my Prairie Santa and if I could get my eyes to focus properly, he may be stitched quicker. Saturday /Sunday I finished the front of my Scandinavian cushion and started the back. So there we are another week done and dusted. Family news is I said I would try and get a photo of the boys when they came over the other evening.
Sam and Alfie bear , little angels! I still have not got pic of my tall Grandson Jack who will be 18 this year he never seems to be about when the camera is (must take after his grandmother). The other day walking home from school Sam was delighted to see near where they live, an Eddie Stobart lorry named Ellie May,(Nanny did not know they all have names) it was unloading at a garden centre ,so Kate was dragged up to inspect it and they had their picture taken on Kates phone with the driver. All sorts of questions were asked and the boys went home happy .
Last but not least a pic of my latest acquisition from Martin he saw this and thought of me , I like pooh bear and he thought I could use it for soup. So I have! Maybe a little stash if it arrives before next week you shall have a preview before it gets stitched !! So again thanks for all the comments etc next week I shall also be posting a giveaway I am keeping it for followers only I think or should I do just peeps that have commentated as I would like someone to have it who really leaves me a nice word or two . Anyway look out for what I decide next week. Take care all and hugs n stuff from me Barb,


Anonymous said...


Just came across your blog.
I love you needleroll finish and also the ones in your header pic.
I love doing needlerolls too!

Your Hardanger mat is beautiful and your yarn colours for the knitting bag look so nice.

I love your Pooh soup mug too!

Michelle said...

Oh Barb lovely photo of the boys - I am in love with your Header Pic - how wonderful. Hope you are keeping well xx

butterfly said...

Love your header I have never stitched a needle roll but its going on top of my list to do this year.

Love your new starter.

Fee said...

Hi Barb,
I have been reading your blog for a bit and thought ok now I must actually say hello! I love your work, and I was just thinking today why don't you see more needlerolls about and there you are, you have lots on your header! Well done and take care, fee.

Christine said...

Great needleroll finish Barb, and I think a knitted bag with that mittens design on it will be lovely.
Lovely to see a picture of the boys too

jane said...

Great needleroll finish Barb, I think the knitted bag sounds lovely. I think that you have been pretty busy - lots of lovely progress.
Well done on getting a picture of the boys, I only found that out recently about the Stobart lorries - drove DH mad trying to see the names on them on the motorway..lol

Lesleyanne said...

Great picture of your boys. Love the pooh bear mug. Your needleroll finish is lovely as is your new start.

Cath said...

Great finish , can't wait to see you knitting bag .
Take care ,XXX

Tina said...

Love your needleroll finish and all the ones on your header too,i will have to try to do one ONE day!Looking forward to see your finish of simple joys,it looks a nice one to stitch
Great piccie of the boys,i think it's a teenager thing,dont do photographs!
Love your felted items,really fancy having a go ONE day too
Have a nice week and look forward to reading about your week next Tuesday xx

Mouse said...

ohhh the needle roll is gorgeous :) and love your new start toooooo .....won't tell re the helping pay your obsession ermmm hobby ..lol and cute idea for your dear diary piece:)...
love the picture of your boys and your pooh mug is really cute :)

Colleen said...

Happy to know that you & Sally had a safe journey home. I so enjoyed our night of stitching SB, chatting & laughing. Great start on your SB pincushion. I'm looking forward to visiting you, Martin & Sir Ollie next Monday. I LOVE your basket of needlerolls!! Can't wait to see your knitting bag. What a great idea. Lovely picture of your grandsons. Sam has a lot of you in his looks. Do tell, what are the ingredients in the hairy Biker leek pie? Then again, maybe I don't want to know. Great post, my dear.

Sally said...

I love your new header photo Barb:) Lots of lovely needlerolls there!

Gorgeous finish. I think this one is so pretty. Thank you for the chart. I'll be stitching it on our SB nights one day soon.

Nice start on Simple Joys. Another gorgeous one. Lovely progress on the Clara piece. Looking forward to seeing your knitted bag when you get it done.

Lovely photo of the boys. Love your new mug! It's so sweet.

Will be emailing you later today {{{{hugs}}}} xxxx

Tricia said...

Your needleroll turned out so pretty! And the SB pincushion will be just as nice. I do love the mother of pearl thread holder. I need to look for one of those!!
I think I might have to join you and Sally and Colleen on Mondays, too, and work on my SB piece. I started My Mom's Garden, but then it got relegated to WIW status (Work in Waiting).

I love your Pooh mug! : )


Julie said...

Super needleroll, dont they look wonderful in the basket in your new header piccie.
Great pic of the boys, maybe you should persuade the oldest to have his pic taken with nanny, if you do i will sort of thing lol.
Soup mug is perfect, i could just do with some tomato soup and crusty bread.... better go and see whats in the cupboard, you have enabled me to have lunch, better than enabling me to spend LOL

angelasweby said...

Barb hi,
What a treat reading your blog post always is. I have been following your progress these past few weeks but I must have caught your cold and have not been very well recently. I enjoyed reading your posts but didn't have the energy to comment. Sorry! But I'm back now and want to tell you how pretty your SB Tiny Garden needle roll is. It's so dainty and now it's being followed by another sweet pretty SB design. I'm sure it won't be long before Simple Joys is finished too.
I am always amazed at how much you accomplish each week. I admire your ability to move from one project to another with effortless ease. I can usually only stitch on one thing at a time otherwise I just lose the plot!
What a lovely idea you've had to put your Clara's Dairy design onto a knitting bag. it will look brilliant.
Great picture of your boys and your Pooh mug. What a thoughtful gift from Martin.
Looking forward to catching up with your news again soon.
Angela xx

Elisa said...

What a pretty needleroll Barb and your SAL piece is looking fab! Great picture of the boys and that "pooh" mug is just perfect for soup....xx

Chris said...

That needle roll is lovely I have one that was gifted to me by Elisa and it is on my 'to do' list. You have inspired me to get started on it! Loved the pic of the boys, one of my grand sons loves to pose for a photo but the other goes behind their settee!! LOL Boys!
Happy Days

Chris xx

Hawthorns Scavenger Photo Hunt June

Well hello everyone ,super sets of photos last  time. Mine this time  again has been last  minute so shall we begin. The  words this month ...