This one is Happy Pumpkin, again by Shepherds Bush, although Sally has now overtaken me and is on the homestretch, I am still doing one of these when I feel the urge. I just wanted a quick stitch and I also need to keep dancing with Heidi because I need all the exercise I can get ( well that is another story). I do love these little rolls and still have quite a few to do in my little box. Who am I kidding! nowadays it is a great big box!! or even several. Although this week I received my LHN auto ship for the ornie ,but that is it regarding received stitching stash. I have just spoken to Bev at Fobbles though for you in the UK that have not used them ,Bev is just so helpful and chatty.Yes -(hangs head in shame )I have just got another roll and the Glad Tidings fob kits by Shepherds Bush, in need of Sheep fix me thinks. I also needed a birthday gift for a friend and just had to have an addition of my own. I like friends having birthdays it enables me to have more stash too lol. Whilst talking to Bev she said they are sending an order to SB this weekend coming so if you want anything ordered,although she did warn me it may be a bit slow. Gives me time to save up as although i needed the Pansy roll,n.b. the use of needed there, I am turning into my granddaughter who really, really, needs things.I also added the new one from SB The Journey. Oh dear, whenever am I going to get time to stitch all this stash.
I have been stitching a little on other things though.
The Return to the Sea JAusten one that I am stitching along with Sally,and Lesley Anne you are very welcome to join us if you would like to . I am enjoying this but cannot pick it up as much as I like as I am trying desperately to get a birthday gift done (another one) and I have not got a lot of time left.
Yes Heidi, they are Sajou scissors used everyday and I LOVE THEM. Martin was a little taken a back when I asked for a pair of scissors for a present (last year?)and I think he thought he would get away lightly. He should have known better, but he sees me using them everyday and knows that is my only pleasure, apart from the garden and the grandkids and my stitchy friends and the odd G&T and ............... shall I go on he is still here so it cannot be too bad.
This week I have got top of the class for stitching on a Tuesday night ,that must be right as Mr Stick says so,he keeps us in order each week stitching away at a UFO.You must all be familiar with Generosity by now and here is the snowman awaiting the rest of his scarf , not long to go now and another HD will be looming , I think it will be a case of getting the ice skates out for that one!!
Anyway here he is partly dressed.
I have not touched QC this week ,or the HAED storykeep so have not got anything more in stitching to show you .
Another additon to the library is this ,I do like Barbara Erskine books and eagerly await the next book, here it is and it is my side of the bed as I finished the book I was reading last night so I get to read it first !
I can also show you what is coming into bloom this week .Thanks so much again for your lovely comments and I am so pleased you liked the sweepees.So shall we take a turn in the garden.
This one is a wonderful fiery red and is aptly named Lucifer.
A single rose name lost in the mists of time. The same sort of colourway and last in the colour is our bottle brush which is flowering its socks off and is really dramatic.
Also making an appearance this week are 2 new lilies (bought by mil from her milkman) they are showing for the first time in my garden.
So the garden continues to flourish, and we actually had rain for a little while during the last few days, so now we expect the weeds and grass will romp away.
Some of you may know this, but some of you won't, I was so surprised ! it was(a shall I wake him moment) the other night ,I had got up as you do in the night ,don't ask me why but I always look out of the window before climbing back into bed,and much to my amazement right outside the bedroom window ,if the glass had not been there I could have touched it ,(I might add we sleep on the ground floor,please do not imagine flying badgers), it ambled over to the bird table where it was evidently was snuffling round for bird food left overs ,I watched for about 10 mins , while Martin was oblivious to all,then after it had had its fill it disappeared into the undergrowth.Oh what a moment ,I am all set for putting up a webcam lol.Mr Fox comes to visit on occasion and Mrs Tiggywinkle the hedgehog but never seen a badger in the garden.
Jack got deputy head boy so no sports captain ,but he is pleased. He is doing 2 weeks work experience at the junior school he went to and is enjoying it. Ella is having a few problems with her teeth, she has to have a false tooth and braces, as she is only 10 it has come as a bit of a shock to her. Her teeth just aren't very strong ,Lovely and white but apparently they thought her second teeth weren't there for some reason,but after seeing the orthodontist she said she thinks only one is like that hence the false one.Sam and Jack are doing football training during the hols.Jack is doing trials for Weymouth football team, not premiership by any means.
Graeme ds is going up to London for an interview today ,he does not think he is qualified for it but they have sent for him for an interview ,it would mean 4 hours extra on his day and I am not sure if it is really for him.However if it is meant then we shall see.
Ollie still is having problems with his feet, more antibiotics and an injection , I was going to show you a pic ,but for those a bit squeamish it not nice.!!!
He is feeling severely disgruntled as he is not allowed in the sea. Rats I still haven't shown you the swimming dog. Next time.
Well readers of my little ramblings time for me to get the dinner or himself will be thinking I have spent all day chatting ,not far wrong there.
Before I go
A little corner waiting for you to come visit, the kettle is on.
I see I have some new followers welcome welcome to this gentle womans bit of the web and I hope you enjoy your visits. Thankyou so much for the comments,for finding out or not names of roses etc for me . For all the encouragement in stash collecting and stitching along , for all the dances and most of all thanks for being a friend.
Hugs n stuff till next time
I have not got time to check this so hope it makes sense.Take care all.
A very beautiful collection of needlerolls and flowers
Oh Barb I can just pcture myself sitting in that corner of your garden! Love your needleroll collection and the SAL is coming on. Thank you for your lovely chatty blog - it's just like reading a letter from a friend and brightens my day.
What a cute little needleroll your basket is looking quite spectacular!
Ooh Sanjou scissors I've only dreamed about them they are quite pricey! But oh so pretty. Someday I'll justify the expense or say to heck with it and ask for a pair for b-day or Christmas.
Your SAL looks lovely!
We better switch to a slow dance I just love your basket full of needlerolls. Wow! And since I love Halloween and autumn, I love this latest one. I have never made a needleroll. They are so nice together displayed in this way.
I think you deserve those beautiful Sajou scissors!!! Good for DH buying them for you. And good for you taking them out of their box unlike
Loving your JA start. I just framed a JA piece today which my mother stitched for me. It is on my blog so you can take a peek. She did such a great job. My mother is 71 and just learned to stitch in the last couple years. Isn't that great!?! Do you have a whole JA wall of samplers?
Hugs from Holland ~
A lovely post. I could quite cheerfully sit on your bench and stitch. Your needlerolls are beautiful and your SAL is coming along lovely.
Love your needleroll collection! Beautiful garden pictures. We lost our bottlebrush plant over the winter, I don't think they are really meant to be hardy in this country, and the 2nd dodgy winter in a row did for it.
Your garden bench looks like the perfect place to sit and stitch
Lovely needleroll.
Your Montbretia is lovely in bloom, mine isn't that far ahead this year, probably because of all the snow we had. My last pot of daffodils only stopped blooming last week!
Now that lovely green fabric is going to look so gorgeous in the basket with the others. Lucifer is out in our garden too - think he's responsible for the heavy rain and storms we've been having for the past couple of days, they only started since he flowered!! Yes please to a seat on the bench, will you bake me a cake to go with the tea LOL. I have a false tooth too (had it since i was 11 - nasty young man at school pushed me into the swimming pool and a bit the side - tell your beautiful grandaughter you do get used to it and no one will ever know unless she tells them. Mr sticks real pleased with generosity.
{big hug} MWAH x
Barb, your needleroll collection is just stunning!
oh Barb how I would love to be sitting on that bench in your beautiful garden with you stitching the afternoon away:) It looks so peaceful:)
LOVE your needleroll! You are getting a rather nice collection now:) I need another basket so next time I'm in Instore I must get one.
Generosity is looking good. Love that snowman!
Sounds like you're going to be getting some lovely new stash. It does us good to have some ( well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!!)
Have a lovely weekend {{{hugs}}}
Wow Barb! Looka t all those gorgeous needlerolls! Beautiful. as are the flowers too. x
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