Well I am in the pink- just a quick post today ,as I am sure you cannot bear the photo any longer I know I can't. However, I must thankyou for all the polite comments you made lol.
The tulips are some of the flowers that Martin bought me on Saturday. I love shades of pink in flowers. I also love white flowers too. I have these in my bedroom, these red ones in the lounge and in the hall the pink alstroemeria.
I do not have any stitching for you as it is only a few days or seems like it,since I last rambled on.
I do have some! good news to share with you, my friend is out of hospital yay. Her husband stayed so hadn't got the messages till he came home with her. I had a message from her on the answer phone ,I have not spoken to her yet and as she is still recovering and I do not want to interrupt her "rest"time. She did say there had been complications so I will find out more when she feels up to phoning. I just felt so much relief when I heard her voice.
Still waiting for Sues diagnosis. SIL in a bad way and it is still touch and go she is in Intensive Care and has been for over a week. Spoke to BIL last night and he said he feels absolutely exhausted , I think if she does come through this it will still not be an easy life for either of them.The waiting game continues.
It is Alfies 3rd birthday on Wednesday , he said he would like some Lego bricks- blimey they are like gold dust- we had to order the bigger size box with 1,600 bricks in it direct from Lego . It won't be here for the day but Kate said he won't mind. Martin said she had to count them every week to make sure they had not lost any, You can if you like ,was the very short reply !!
Then we have Graemes birthday on Saturday next, I won't tell you how old he is ,but his sister Kate will be 40 this year and there is 2 years between them and he is older lol. A pic of them taken in the summer on Martins birthday.They will not be impressed I have shown you -well if I get mine on here it is only fair.
You will have to excuse them, Kate cannot be serious for long, and the table was full of curry things.
No stitchy pics this time I have been stitching a little on the Quaker and I actually did a bit on the vine last week too,so Julie will be pleased.
I have ordered some e charts from Country Rustic Primitives so I will be showing you those stitched at some point. Also ordered the new Sampler Girl Valentine Booklet,and the Emma project. I do like Jane Austen and her sayings.I am awaiting the new Blackbird Stockings too from Thread Bear. Just a few bits and pieces to keep me occupied!!!Will let you see when they arrive.
Thanks Sally for offer of Pine roll but that is one I have -and still to do.
Jane found your blog (at last)thankyou and have left you a comment .
Now for those of you who do not like my music choice I am not going to apologise cause I do -lol. I am trying to add more but it doesn't seem to want to play.IF you cannot stand it then turn down your volume and you wont hear it.
The lark arising I first heard at a funeral and this will seem a strange thing to say but it was at a crematorium and I do not like those places at the best of times but this one well was lovely- we went in to Cello music which was a bit dirge like. Then after the first hymn ,they played this piece of music and the bit in it where the lark is soaring and singing really made me feel that her spirit had been uplifted too. Then we came out to the theme from a Victorian Cottage Garden as she was a gentle person and loved her garden and flowers. I am afraid I have been to many funerals over the years (getting on myself now!) but I have never forgotten this piece of music and how it affected me. Hope i haven't distressed anyone talking about funerals.
Crikey I started off all flowery and light and ended up all gloomy and heavy you really wanted to read that didn't you .
I am gradually adding peoples blogs that I visit to my side bar. Also books etc ,I have just been trying to read a book by Susannah Gregory if any one knows her or likes her ,it is called the Devils Disciples and I cannot get into it.If any of you want it Let me know and I will get in touch with you.Have a look on Amazon to see what it is about.
I will end with a pic for you of my "special"bears I seem to get one every Christmas from either a family member or my old school friend they are the Harrods(see name dropping here)Christmas bears- Kate and I used to love to go to Harrods at Christmas and dream!! Every year we would buy a carrier bag and a pencil as that was all we could afford lol.Anyway here are they on my bed.
I expect by now you are all bored to tears so till next time when I may be allowed to ramble some more
take greatly care and keep muchly warm
hugs Barb
Not bored to tears at all, I love reading about your life (I'm sooo nosey LOL), Love your flowers I like pink tulips too they are always so pretty,
I'm really pleased that your friend has come home and is a little better, I've fingers crossed for your SIL
Glad to hear your friend is home.
The flowers are lovely, specially the pink alstros
Hi Barb! Thanks for stopping to visit me and taking a moment to say hello. I am glad I put a cheerful song in your head. :-) Of course, those beautiful tulips will put a song in your heart.
Hugs ~
Nice new look to the blog and nice flowery pics too.
So pleased you have heard your friends voice, at least one worry less for you this week. My thoughts are with you and your family regarding SIL, its so hard to be a hospital visitor.
You have two lovely 'children'
{big hug} hope you have a nice week
Beautiful flower pictures!
Please visit my blog - you will find a surprise on there for you!
Ooo Enya - I stayed a long time. Enjoyed the Lark Ascending too & know what you mean about it. :0)
Glad your friend is home - hope her recuperation goes well. Will keep Sue, your SIL & GS in my Angel prayers (((((((((hugs))))))))).
Lovely new look & those flowers are gorgeous. Great family pic too. Have fun with the tribe...... & with that new stash. :0)
Hi Barb
Thank you for popping onto my blog that composite picture took me two hours! I had to undo and redo so many times and now apart from How to get Started I don't think I can remember what I did!
Lovely to see your tulips I have some beautiful yellow ones, to me they make me think spring yeh!
Loved your photo too, lovely smily face!
Chris x
I am so sorry to hear about your SIL.
My hugs and thoughts go to you at what must be a really difficult time.
Never apologise for what you put on your own blog! You might start a trend lol. You put whatever music you like and if we dont like it we can just turn the volume down lol.
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