Saturday 18 February 2012

Make yourself comfy

and don't laugh at my birthday pic, Sam needed Nanny to put her badge on and have a picture taken -oh dear, so I gracefully! gave in and thanks Julie -all her fault as she sent the badge I have just typed loads of this in (will I ever learn) and then pressed something and deleted it arghhhhh!! Well I shall have to try and make it shorter and get it done and posted before the fingers get clicky happy. So first and foremost thankyou for the lovely comments for my birthday ,I was thoroughly spoilt and every day this week the postman has called. On Wednesday he offered to sing Happy Birthday to me but thought he might spoil the day. This morning he said "It's me again!". People will talk. Had a lovely day but try as I might I cannot walk very far and yes I did too much and suffered (still) for it. Martin was wondering if I would ever get back to the car as the going was slow to snail pace. I told him he could carry me but he passed on that one.!! We had walked so far as he needed me to go with him to buy me a new camera, the one I was using was his old one when digital cameras first came into being ,so it was in need of replacement. That got, we drove home and then I was treated to lunch at a pub opposite. I then thought pills and a sit down were the order of the day,not to be ,the grandchildren and Kate said they wanted to come over. So of course having young ones about we had to buy me a cake,so Mr Marks and Spencer provided us with an extremely chocolatey birthday cake. It was rather nice and the children had seconds.
I managed to get a couple of pics of Jack ,he is very aware of his braces so does not smile properly. I thought I had taken one of Sam but that finger must have been at work again and i deleted it.
  Kate wanted to know how I managed to get them all smiling at the camera.
Anyway it was lovely to see them but bliss when they had gone. Unfortunately did not see son Graeme as he had to work, he is having a really heavy workload time ,Ella went off to Guide camp on Sunday night,but Monday morning they had a phone call to pick her up as she had been sick all night. Sue went down with the cough and splutter lurgy on Monday which has turned into a severe chest infection with severe asthma. Then on Wed she had the sick bug Ella had had ,so all in all not a happy household. Just hope they are better next week as the girls are having a weekend and going up to Manchester to see the X factor tour. So that was my day apart from showing you my stitch related pressies. Martin got me a voucher for sew and so's(DONT SAY IT). the camera, and a Jane Austen leather journal. Also a Crime Scene DS game. First in the pile of all to show you are the contents of the large parcel from Miss Julie who sent me this wonderful cushion the colours are deep plum, mustard and green , the flowers are gorgeous and it is not sitting anywhere where anyone can lean on it . It sat on the sofa for the pic ,then it sits behind my needleroll basket .Also in the package was a card and a picture of Izzy Twinkle- She is a real star and twinkles out of the photo -that was from Julies daughter and I love it. Julie had put in a friendship magnet, the words of which are so lovely. Also the badge aforementioned! also a book of cute postcards Guess how much I love you. Overwhelmed feelings were not in it..
Well done Julie it is super duper! The magnet, badge and postcard book .
These are in no particular order ladies so please do not think I favour any of them above the others the are all simply fab-u-lous. Sally my sal partner on Mondays stitched me a beautiful needlecase in such pretty colours,it is always a delight to get a stitching from Sally.
Oh sheepies too ,thankyou Sally my needles will feel very honoured to sit in there. Again someone who knows my love of Sheep is my Irish friend Anne, who sent me this.
So beautifully stitched and inside was :-
Sorry folks had to stop mid flow as Graeme and Ella turned up(I think he wanted a piece of the cake it is still scrummy), he needed to give me pennies for my birthday(in case I needed stash) and a Boots gift card from Ella. Sue is still poorly so they left her home alone resting. Now to carry on and show you more.Are you envious I bet you are especially if you like sheep. My friend Christine made me this and I wore it all day (unlike the badge lol)
So clever Christine. Can you face another sheep -of course you can, this was sent by Lainey a complete suprise and no address or postmark to give it away.
I had to smile at the fabric that accompanied it.
In a little packet came this and some Thread Bear vouchers from Jane . OOOHH MORE STASH.
I am just awestruck with my stitchy bloggy friends generosity. From Karan I had this
I shall enjoy stitching this later in the year. From Tina I had
With some lovely pink stork scissors -have to make a fob for those I think Tina. I am looking forward to having October done for Hallowe'en.Well one can hope cannot one. Golly gosh will it never end. I had 30 cards, vouchers from some other stitchy friends Colleen and Barbara. I will be visiting some stitchy sites and share with you the things I bought . I have done a little stitching myself ,my friend and fellow Jane Austen fan Angela has a birthday the same day as me so I sent her a little something to say I was thinking of her I filled it with Lavender and fixed a Kelmscott needleminder to it.
Well have you stuck with me , and are you suitably a delicate shade of green? I hope when you have a birthday you will be as lucky as me and for all of you a big Thankyou very much from this very happy and grateful person. I have finished my snood ,although I now have to tackle another as Kate snaffled it and was wearing it today she said.Here it is earlier almost finished.
I added the 2 new balls of wool for MY snood for you to see it is called Spruce. I do not feel so inclined to knit today though, so perhaps I shall leave it a week or so before starting it. The little stitching I have done is on Merry Be. Shepherds Bush a finish looming this week I hope.
Talking of Shepherds Bush I had an order from The Nimble Thimble today ,2 of which I cannot tell you about, but the other one is Poor Robin pincushion kit. Sally and Colleen we shall be stitching SB on a monday night when we are in our dotage- no comments on that please I know I am almost there hee hee. The other thing I stitched on I can show you is Q.D. it does not grow very quickly and this is a big diamond to fill.
Something else I have stitched on is for the Spring Exchange on Needlecraft Haven so cannot tell you about that one for quite a while. So for this time that is me - enough you are saying ,thought you would never stop whittering on.I hope I have not forgotten to mention anything, if I have blame it on my age ,I shall never be this old again!!! Just even older! Take care all, thanks for commenting I just love to hear a word or two from you ,nice ones of course. The ladies that won the giveaway ,it should be with you very soon Cath, Ellen yours by the end of next week as you are a little further away. I am now off to grow another pair of arms so I can stitch all this stash I have. Hugs n stuff Barb x P.S.Sorry fooled you into thinking this would be shorter , going to get a job writing fairy stories lol.


jane said...

Lovely gifts Barb and so very well deserved. Enjoy all that stash shopping! Great to see some more family pics too and that cake looks scrummy!
Love your snood, mine is coming on well and I wouldn't be surprised if I had to knit myself another
Glad you had a Happy Birthday. x

Stitchabilities said...

Happy belated birthday wishes to you!!
You have had a super bounty for your birthday!!!

Julie said...

Sounds like a very wonderful Birthday.lots of beautiful goodies, well deserved, you are a very generous and caring lady.
Use the cushion, thats why I made it for you, it's lovely and warm behind your back, give it a try, it's not a 'view only' one lol.
Nice pic of Jack, handsome chap.

Lesleyanne said...

Happy Belated Birthday. You received some gorgeous gifts, lots of sheep. Great family pictures.

Cath said...

So glad you had a lovely birthday ,and hope you and yours are all feeling better soon.
It's a lovely picture of you, thanks for sharing .
And what a lovely haul of stash you got . Enjoy !!!

Thanks again for the lovely charts ,
Cath X

Tricia said...

Ooo! I love sheep and snowmen and Shepherd's Bush and the Word Play series, so I think you must have had a very good birthday indeed!! YAY!! Enjoy all your new stash and get some rest after your busy day!

Christine said...

Glad you had such a lovely birthday, you certainly got some fantastic gifts.
You knit much faster than me, my snood is only half finished. I'll probably get it done just as the weather warms up.

Can I pinch your picture of the brooch, I forgot to take one before I sent it off?

Lainey said...

Glad you had such a nice Birthday Barb and loved your little surprise sheepie I so enjoyed stitching him. What beautiful gifts you received and that cake looks yummy.
Lovely photos of the grand-children too.

Ellen said...

Happy Birthday! You have some wonderful gifts, love those sheep!

Glad you had such a wonderful time with the family!


Michelle said...

Happy belated Barb you received some wonderful gifts. Lovely photos of your family thank you for sharing them xx

Brigitte said...

Happy belated birthday wishes and enjoy all these wonderful gifts you received.

Elisa said...

Looks like you had a fabulous birthday and were spoilt rotten xx

Fee said...

Happy Birthday Barb, a bit belated but better than not - looks like you had a fabulous time and all your stitchy treats are grand! Enjoy!


Sally said...

So glad you had a lovely birthday Barb. You received some gorgeous, well deserved gifts. Love the photo of you:)

Have been offline since Saturday as phone went down again taking internet totally out this time! Will catch up with you soon {{{{hugs}}}}

Tina said...

Lovely gifts received Barb,looking forward to see what stash you get with your vouchers.Great photo's of the family and the cake looks yummy xx

Heidi said...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Barb
Happy birthday to you!

Now time for a jig to celebrate. Then I get dizzy and have to rest. Yes, that is what our birthdays do to

Lots of great presents. Glad you enjoyed your special day.

Hugs from Holland ~

Shirlee said...

Hi Barb! I came to visit your blog & just had to become a follower! What a fun visit I'm having! I love your basket full of SB needle rolls! I have many of these to stitch & did stitch the Thanksgiving one but I'm afraid to try to finish it into a roll because I'm afraid I'll ruin it! I had the same idea ... to make them all & display them in a basket. Maybe one of these days I'll achieve that goal : ) I wish you a very happy belated birthday! I am going to spend some more time enjoying your blog now : ) Blessings, Shirlee

Anonymous said...


Just found your blog.

Looks like you had a great birthday and recieved some lovely pressies.

Hawthorns Scavenger Photo Hunt June

Well hello everyone ,super sets of photos last  time. Mine this time  again has been last  minute so shall we begin. The  words this month ...